
Thegreat19thcenturyFrenchcomposerHectorBerliozholdsauniqueplaceinmusicalhistory.Faraheadofhistime,hewasoneofthemostoriginalof ...,Louis-HectorBerlioz(11December1803–8March1869)wasaFrenchRomanticcomposerandconductor.Hisoutputincludesorchestralwork...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Hector Berlioz Website

The great 19th century French composer Hector Berlioz holds a unique place in musical history. Far ahead of his time, he was one of the most original of ...

Hector Berlioz

Louis-Hector Berlioz (11 December 1803 – 8 March 1869) was a French Romantic composer and conductor. His output includes orchestral works such as the ... Requiem (Berlioz) · Berlioz (disambiguation) · Roméo et Juliette (Berlioz)

Hector Berlioz

Berlioz, the passionate, ardent, irrepressible genius of French Romanticism, left a rich and original oeuvre which exerted a profound influence on 19th ...


博客來搜尋,作者,關鍵字:Berlioz,Hector,分類:全館,Memoirs, From 1803 to 1865, Comprising His Travels in Italy, Germany, Russia and England; Volume 2,Gluck ...

Hector Berlioz

Louis-Hector Berlioz (11 December 1803 – 8 March 1869) was a French composer and music critic. He was one of the greatest composers of the 19th century.

Hector Berlioz

Biography. Hector Berlioz was a controversial French composer, dramatically splitting the opinions of critics. His most famous work is Symphonie Fantastique.

On the 150th anniversary of Hector Berlioz's death

A member of the educated classes, a librarian, music critic, composer, eccentric, genius – Hector Berlioz combined many gifts and facets.

Hector Berlioz | French Composer & Romantic Era Pioneer

7 天前 · Hector Berlioz was a French composer, critic, and conductor of the Romantic period, known largely for his Symphonie fantastique (1830), ...

Hector Berlioz Composer

French composer Hector Berlioz was born December 11, 1803 in La Côte-St-André, Isêre, the son of a physician. Although his father encouraged his early ...


Thegreat19thcenturyFrenchcomposerHectorBerliozholdsauniqueplaceinmusicalhistory.Faraheadofhistime,hewasoneofthemostoriginalof ...,Louis-HectorBerlioz(11December1803–8March1869)wasaFrenchRomanticcomposerandconductor.Hisoutputincludesorchestralworkssuchasthe ...Requiem(Berlioz)·Berlioz(disambiguation)·RoméoetJuliette(Berlioz),Berlioz,thepassionate,ardent,irrepressiblegeniusofFrenchRomanticism,le...